Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life altering events presenting themselves?

Here's the age old question.  Are you born lucky or do you create your own luck?  I got into a little tiff with my baby brother (baby is questionable, he is 28).  He is waiting for his big break, I told him to make his own instead of waiting.  Let's just say his answer isn't publishable.  Is this wanting to be lucky but not wanting to put the work in generational?  I receive passive aggressive comments all the time about being lucky.  I want to say you only see the end result, you didn't see the blood, sweat and tears that went into what you call "lucky". 

This leads me to my next thought, what if what I thought was the right path to go down actually isn't?  What if I spent the past seven years getting a higher education but really should have been getting ready to have a baby?  Let's be honest, even though I'm not old by anyone's standards, that bastard of a biological clock is ticking.  Would I have felt this anti-baby four or five years ago when my husband and I were really getting serious?  How do you know that you made the right decision?  I'll be honest, I can't see myself being a mom (although I'm loving being an aunt), but what if I had taken a different path?  Why can't you see how your life could have been different....

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